Tuesday 3 September 2013

Reflective Writing Draft 2

English was never one of my favourite subjects until I was eleven. As compared to the other subjects I took in primary school, I found English classes to be the most mundane. The grades I obtained for English also decreased my liking for the subject and as a result, I focused more of my time on other subjects. 

Everything changed when my primary five teacher came to class and told us to put aside everything while she handed out a piece of paper with song lyrics on it and played the song. After listening to the music, we were asked comprehension questions in the form of a quiz. It was a refreshing change for me and for once I was brimming with enthusiasm in class. I began to participate actively in English classes. Everybody has different learning styles and since I am an audio learner, the music activity I did in class naturally appealed to me.

Yet in primary six, I went back to my 'old' ways. My English tutor had to be strict and harsh towards me to get work done. I lacked the discipline and could not see the importance of learning.

Looking back, I should have been more of an active learner rather than allowing the teaching methods to determine my learning attitude. By being inquisitive and taking charge of my own learning journey, I realised that learning can be fun and interesting. But it is never too late to start :)

1 comment:

  1. Here's the summary to your writing:

    Bennie (2013) recalled that it was only until when she was eleven that she found her interest through the english language through music. She never liked the language as she found the lessons monotonous, and to make things worst, her results for the language was not appealing. After just one year of showing interest, her firm tutor made her lose her appeal to the subject again. She later reflected that she should have been proactive in the learning process.

    Have fun summarising mine.
